windows common actions shortcuts
windows common actions shortcuts

windows common actions shortcuts


Hey readers, welcome to the ultimate guide to Windows common actions shortcuts! This article will empower you with the knowledge to navigate your Windows operating system like a pro. Whether you’re a seasoned computer user or just starting out, these shortcuts will significantly enhance your efficiency and productivity. So, sit back, relax, and let’s delve into the world of time-saving keyboard combinations.

Keyboard Maestro: Essential Shortcuts for Basic Navigation

  • Copy (Ctrl + C): Grab the selected text or file and copy it to the clipboard.
  • Paste (Ctrl + V): Insert the copied content from the clipboard into the current location.
  • Cut (Ctrl + X): Removes the selected item and copies it to the clipboard.
  • Undo (Ctrl + Z): Reverts the last action performed.
  • Redo (Ctrl + Y): Redoes the last undone action.

File Management Shortcuts: Master Your Documents

  • Open File Explorer (Win + E): Launch the File Explorer window to manage your files and folders.
  • Create New Folder (Ctrl + Shift + N): Create a new folder within the current directory.
  • Delete File/Folder (Del): Move the selected file or folder to the Recycle Bin.
  • Rename File/Folder (F2): Change the name of the selected file or folder.
  • Copy File/Folder (Ctrl + C): Copy the selected file or folder to the clipboard.
  • Move File/Folder (Ctrl + X): Cut the selected file or folder and move it to the clipboard.
  • Paste File/Folder (Ctrl + V): Paste the copied or cut file or folder into the current location.

Window Management Shortcuts: Conquer Your Workspace

  • Maximize Window (Win + Up Arrow): Enlarge the current window to fill the entire screen.
  • Minimize Window (Win + Down Arrow): Shrink the current window to the taskbar.
  • Restore Window (Win + Shift + Up Arrow): Return the window to its previous size after maximizing or minimizing.
  • Move Window (Win + Arrow Keys): Move the current window around the screen using the arrow keys.
  • Resize Window (Win + Shift + Left/Right Arrow): Adjust the width or height of the current window.
  • Switch Between Windows (Alt + Tab): Quickly cycle through open windows.

Table of Common Windows Shortcuts

Shortcut Action
Ctrl + C Copy
Ctrl + V Paste
Ctrl + X Cut
Ctrl + Z Undo
Ctrl + Y Redo
Win + E Open File Explorer
Ctrl + Shift + N Create New Folder
Del Delete File/Folder
F2 Rename File/Folder
Ctrl + S Save
Ctrl + P Print
Win + Up Arrow Maximize Window
Win + Down Arrow Minimize Window
Win + Shift + Up Arrow Restore Window
Win + Arrow Keys Move Window
Win + Shift + Left/Right Arrow Resize Window
Alt + Tab Switch Between Windows


Well, readers, that wraps up our thorough exploration of Windows common actions shortcuts. You’re now equipped with the power to navigate your Windows operating system with ease. Remember to practice and incorporate these shortcuts into your daily workflow, and you’ll witness a remarkable boost in your productivity.

For further knowledge and adventures, check out our other articles on keyboard shortcuts and computer optimization. Keep exploring, keep learning, and keep conquering the digital world!

FAQ about Windows Common Actions Shortcuts

How do I copy and paste text or files?

  • Copy: Ctrl + C
  • Paste: Ctrl + V

How do I cut text or files?

  • Cut: Ctrl + X

How do I undo the last action?

  • Ctrl + Z

How do I redo the last undone action?

  • Ctrl + Y

How do I select all text or files?

  • Ctrl + A

How do I save a file?

  • Ctrl + S

How do I open a file?

  • Ctrl + O

How do I close a window?

  • Alt + F4

How do I minimize a window?

  • Win + D

How do I maximize a window?

  • Win + Up arrow